Day 252: Steampunk

Day 252: Steampunk

Today I took on the user suggested theme of Steam Punk from M. Gray. Steampunk is sub-genre of science fiction that usually features steam-powered machinery,and is set in an industrial Western civilisation during the 19th century. As far as I could gather a steampunk outfit was part wacky steam-powered gadgets (think Back to the Future Part 3) and Victorian style garments…and usually required goggles of some sort. So that’s what I went for. Hope I got it right M. Gray, I know you’ve been waiting for this!


Photo credit: Holmes


White Lace Shirt: My Mother’s

Black Harness Dress: All Saints

Goggles: Snorkel Goggles

Tan Belt: ASOS

Pin Striped Stockings: Voodoo

Tuxedo Heels: ASOS

Western Guns: Hot Dollar

Finger-less Gloves: Hot Dollar

Ben 10 Watch: Lost and Found

Earrings: Diva

Broach: My Mother’s


One Comment Add yours

  1. M.Gray says:

    The goggles aren’t usually for diving 😛 But otherwise it is a very good look. You wear it to Steamfest in August and you will fit in.

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