Blonde Bombshell Pun Costume

Blonde Bombshell Pun Costume

In the lead up to Halloween, I have once again taken up the challenge to do a daily post for the month of October! This year though, I am going to go back to basics and do a costume post every day to inspire you for Halloween 2014! Seeing as how I’m dropping this bombshell on you, I thought it appropriate to have my first costume for the month be just that *ZING!*

So I have decided to go all meta on you and create a bombshell costume with my Pun Blonde Bombshell costume. This is a VERY easy home-made costume that will be sure to get you some laughs in a nod to a dad-joke-esque pun costume.

Photo credit: Billy Rubin

Blonde Wig: Ebay

Bombshell: Aluminium foil taped together and over a hula hoop with red marker TNT lettering

Red Shoes: ASOS

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Mel says:

    I would like to request the very hungry caterpillar. I feel there is lots of potential…

  2. Yay, you’re back! I’ve really enjoyed all of your inspiring work, especially during your challenge. Great stuff!

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