Cara Delevingne Enchantress Suicide Squad Costume

Suicide Squad was a big film this year so I wanted to create a costume from it, but not do the standard Harley Quinn costume, so I decided to recreate the Cara Delevingne Enchantress costume. Lord knows I have the eyebrows for it. I think it turned out pretty well considering the alterations from the original…

Day 312: Pat Carroll

  May 5 is Pat Carroll’s birthday. Who is Pat Carroll you ask? Well she’d be the voice of URSULA from The Little Mermaid. The rest speaks for itself…now to go stuff myself with cheese p.s. To all my Orthodox homies out there – Happy Easter!   Photo credit: Billy Rubin   Black Strapless Dress:…

Day 309: Austin Powers

On May 2, 1997, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery was released, so this is why I have taken it on as my theme today dressing as a Fembot. Fembots are  beautiful women dressed in provocative outfits who were used by Dr. evil against Austin Powers. They are known for their greatest weapon – guns hidden…

Day 307: Poison Ivy

Today I am taking on the user-suggested theme of Poison Ivy by Fernanda. I thought it appropriate that I take on this theme the day after Uma Thurman’s birthday as she played the role of Poison Ivy in Batman & Robin. Man, that was a terrible film.   Photo credit: Holmes   Red Long Wig: Ebay (Borrowed…

Day 192: 101 Dalmations

To even out Disney Week some more, today I bring you a villain – Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians. It took me YEARS to figure out her name meant cruel devil, but once I did, it was like MIND.BLOWN. Please note this is my natural curly hair that I only had to tease the tiniest of bits to turn…

Day 24: Batman

With the release of The Dark Knight Rises this week, it is all but appropriate to have a Batman theme. So I’ve chosen to dress up as my favourite Batman character – Catwoman. Furthermore, I’ve chosen to dress as the best Catwoman of all – Tim Burton’s (ain’t nobody got nothing on Michelle Pfeiffer yo!) The…