Day 365: Finish

Day 365: Finish

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So this is it. My final costume. Today completes my year-long challenge to dress in a theme, every day, for a year! (Ridiculous. What kind of weirdo does something like this?! …me, that’s who)


Today I take on the theme of ‘Finish’ to symbolise the end of the challenge, dressing as a marathon runner who is first to cross over the finish line in all of their winning glory. I could never have lived up to every costume expectation for this last day, so I thought best just to have an appropriately themed one, rather than trying to create one that was better than all the others already done.


Photo credit: Billy Rubin


Red Crop Top: Big W

Black Short Shorts: Target

Runner’s Bib: Homemade from Print Out Paper and Saftey Pins

3D Checkered Finish Line: Homemade from Chicken Wire and Paper Mache

Sneakers: Nike


Firstly let me thank every one of my family and friends who helped me. Thank you for taking my pictures, thank you for helping me make my costumes, thank you for letting me borrow your costumes or props or wardrobe items,  thank you for helping me brainstorm costume  ideas, thank you, thank you, thank you. It was me who decided to take on this challenge, but it was you who was forced into it by helping and supporting me. Today, it’s not just me who achieved my goal, but all of you who helped as well. Thank you for being a part of this year with me.


To Chloe from Smiffy’s, thank you so much for your generosity and support throughout this crazy challenge. You’ve been amazing. When you stumbled upon my blog, you saw a same-minded being and by helping became a part of this.


To all of you who doubted my stubbornness – I DID IT! Thank you for telling me that I wouldn’t make it a week, or a month or 3 months. It was that shame and proving you wrong that got me out of bed, on a Saturday, when I was hungover and tired to start work on a costume.


And now for you, wonderful you. You know who you are, you’re reading this right now. Thank you. Thank you for sending your messages of support, for submitting a theme idea, for voting yes in my poll, for showing your friends this crazy blog and for coming on this journey with me. You’ve been amazing and I hope you enjoyed this challenge as much as I did…And yes, I enjoyed it. As hard and as tiring as it was at times, it was above all fun. Who would have thought a challenge made in jest would have rewarded me with all of the amazing experiences in the last year? I appeared on all three major networks, countless websites and blogs, the front page of Reddit and even got my own double page spread!


What now you ask? Well for today I’m just going to bask in my glory…then I’m going to sleep. Oh sleep! I have missed you. Then, I am going to party. The Village has been kind enough to host my Theme Me Finale Party this Saturday night and you should come! Here’s three reasons why:

  1. It’s a costume party. If I’ve taught you anything this year it’s this – everything is better in costume.
  2. There is a prize for best dressed – a $100 costume voucher!
  3. Cheap drinks thanks to Stoli – $5 cocktails from 8-9pm!


As for the blog, all is not lost. Soon I will announce what will become of it. So if you’re sad that it’s over, don’t be. I won’t stop, after all I started all of this because of my love of costumes. And making 365 in that many days has not kindled that. So stay tuned for the next episode of: Crazy Bitch Costumes…


Theme Me Finale Party!


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8 Comments Add yours

  1. Kevin. says:

    Awesome Mary! Well done you crazy girl! Have so enjoyed your efforts. Was a great break for a few minutes from work to “see what you had come up with today” Have always loved fancy dress & you get the fun out of putting the effort in. My favourite was a mate’s 21st with a “boardies” theme (board shorts). Spent a day making some out of floor boards!…the crowd went wild! Haha. Enjoy your party….you deserve it. Cheers Kevin.

    1. mhsaba says:

      Thank you so much Kevin! It really is lovely to hear that I brightened someones day!

  2. Clinton Watters says:

    Excellent work, thankyou it was something great to look forward to each day where you were going to duck and dive through endless amounts of possibilities. Congratulations you ROCK !!!!

    1. mhsaba says:

      Thank you Clinton, means a lot that you enjoyed the journey as much as I did.

  3. Congrats! I am very impressed that you’ve managed to keep it up for a whole year and come with such great ideas! You are a very creative person and I’ll miss going through your blog every now and then to see what you’ve come up with. I hope you’re thinking of doing some other challenge or something else that we can follow along with. 🙂 Again, congrats!

    1. mhsaba says:

      Thanks so much for the messages of support!

  4. georgiaguy says:

    I have enjoyed them all I like the Tomb Raider one the most,maybe you can do a few for us during the year,thanks

  5. cheeruplisa says:

    This is way too awesome! Although I only found this blog a couple of months after it was already completed, you definitely made your year amazing. Congratulations and happy very belated birthday 🙂

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