Day 337: Joan of Arc

Day 337: Joan of Arc


On May 30, 1431 in Rouen, France, Joan of Arc died. Joan of Arc was born in France and through divine guidance led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years’ War. Her demise came when she was captured by the Burgundians and was sold to the English. They then put her on trial for “insubordination and heterodoxy”. She was found guilty and was burned at the stake for heresy when she was 19 years old. Twenty-five years after her execution, an inquisitorial court authorized by Pope Callixtus III examined the trial, pronounced her innocent, and she was declared a martyr. Today I have dressed as Joan, who has since become a strong female role model/symbol.


Photo credit: The Stephanacci Sequence


Grey Jumper: Cotton On

Black Pants and Faux Boots/ Shoe Covers: Smiffy’s

Armour: Homemade from Cardboard, Plastic, Ribbon and Spray Paint

Blonde Wig: Ebay

Silver Gloves: Base Warehouse

Sword: Hot Dollar


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