Day 188: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Happy New Year everybody! I hope you all had a magical entry into the New Year, if not, fear not, because I bring to you a week of Disney themes to begin the new year! First up, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, dressing as Snow White. Snow White is the most influential Disney character…

Day 187: New Years Eve

    December 31st is New Years Eve, so I have taken this on as a theme and dress up as a firework, props to Ziggy for the idea. I have aimed to be the shooting up firework that explodes, but it was REALLY hard to capture on film – with flash it looked dumb and…

Day 186: Scientology

December 30 is known as Freedom day for the Church of Scientology because this is when it was officially recognised in the United States in 1974. With this theme I have decided to dress as the most famous (in my opinion) Scientologist – Tom Cruise ala Risky Business.   Photo credit: Holmes   White Business Shirt: Pierre Cardin…

Day 185: Angry Birds

At a friends request today I have decided to take on the theme of Angry Birds – the popular iPhone game app – dressing as the angriest of birds, the red one. Thanks to @martyPantaloons for the costume lend. Photo credit: Billy Rubin Angry Birds costume: Borrowed from @martyPantaloons Black Leggings: Cotton On Yellow Boots: Ruby Shoes

Day 184: Half

  Today officially marks 6 months of Theme Me complete – wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Now that I am halfway through my year-long challenge I have decided the only appropriate theme for today would be half. With this I have dressed as Two Face, for he has half a regular face and half a disfigured face. Further…

Day 183: New Mother

Late last week a good long-time friend gave birth to her first born. The last we met up I promised her that when she gave birth I would dedicate a post on Theme Me to her and her new motherhood. With that promise I bring you today’s theme of New Mother. I hope she finds this accurately funny 😉…

Day 182: Boxing Day

December 26 is Boxing day, a day where traditionally servants and tradesmen would receive boxed gifts from their superiors. So today I have decided to dress as a giant boxed gift, a transformer of sorts. Photo credit: Billy Rubin Red Long Sleeve Dress: Supre Giant Boxed Present: Homemade from a Cardboard box wrapped in Christmas Wrapping

Day 181: Awkward Family Photo

For the twelfth and final day of Christmas themes, I have decided to bring you: Awkward Family Photo – Christmas style. It’s a little bit 80’s and a little bit creepy with (I hope) a WHOLE lotta awkward. I hope you like it and would just like to thank you all for joining in on…

Day 180: Mary Mother of God

For the eleventh day of Christmas, I have decided to bring you the theme of Mary Mother of God. It was the role I was born to play (ever since my parents named me) Appropriately I have dress as pregnant Mary awaiting to give birth to Jesus on Christmas. MARY Christmas Eve!   Photo credit:…

Day 179: Festivus

For the tenth day of Christmas, we navigate away from the traditional symbols of Christmas to bring you the anti-Christmas – Festivus. Festivus (for the rest of us) is celebrated on November 23 and was made popular through an episode of Seinfeld. Festivus was conceived by writer Dan O’Keefe and was celebrated by his family as…